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Main » 2009 » March » 4 » mIRC Channels For cs
mIRC Channels For cs
6:16 PM

              mIRC Channels for cs


Join to G.L.A Clan mIRC channel at GRNet: #G.L.A-CLAN

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                                 Mirc Gather Commands


 Player Commands

Command Function
!addme [team] (A or B) Adds yourself to a gather.
!remove Removes yourself from a gather.
!sub You request to play as a substitude for a gather.
!last Displays information about the last gather.
!next Checks if there is any admin planning to run a gather soon.
!map Displays the map of the current gather.
!ip Displays the IP address of the current gather's server.
!topadmins Displays the top 3 admins (based on gather count).

Displays the top 5 players (based on gather count).


Shows you how many gathers you have played on.




 Admin Commands

Command Function
!addfriend nick Adds the player to gather.
!kick PLAYER Kick the player from gather.
!addmap MAP Adds Map to gather.
!addtype TYPE
Adds Type of gather.
!move player1 player2 Transfers Player on gather.
!setmenext *
Adds on queue list.
!delme Delete youself from queue list.
!admin password *
Autherication/Login to become gather admin.
!logout password *
Logout from your permitions as gather admin.

!addgame ip password *

Adds ip and password to make gather game.
!changeinfo ip password *
Changing IP:PORT pass when game is Running.
!cancelgame *
Cancel the ip password if you dont saw the message All Data saved - Now Make/GO Game > on private channel
!info ok *The confirmation command to create gather.
!info wrong *
Remove's the ip and password and you must change it again.
!endgame *
Cancel the game when game is launched.
!needsub ip password *
Create request sub slot.
!cancelsub *
Cancel you sub if you request.
!noticeSend message to all channel to join for add.
!mygamesShow's your games.
!newadmin *
Give your gather to other admin when gather is launched.

 Commands with * after commands mean you must speak to bot on query ( prive msg )

Bot Commands

You will find a list of the most bot commands bellow :

- Commands starting with "." should be used on the server.
- Commands starting with "!" should be used on the gather channel.
- Commands starting with "/msg #Private-Channel" are directly sent to the #Private-Channel channel as a message.
- Commands starting with "/msg GatherBot" are directly sent to the gather bot as a private message.

Player Commands
Command Function
!addme [team] (A or B) Adds yourself to a gather.
!remove Removes yourself from a gather.
!sub You request to play as a substitude for a gather.
!last Displays information about the last gather.
!next Checks if there is any admin planning to run a gather soon.
!map Displays the map of the current gather.
!ip Displays the IP address of the current gather's server.
!topadmins Displays the top 3 admins (based on gather count).
!topplayers Displays the top 3 players (based on gather count).
!mystats Shows you how many gathers you have played on.
!stats PLAYER Shows statistics for the specified player.
!checkip Bot checks again your IP so if you have updated your IP after the bot sent passwords you can connect to the server.
!getpass Requests ip/password from the last gather you played on.
.teams Shows the teams like they were when gather was completed and bot started sending IP & Password to the players.
.score Shows the current score of the gather.

Admin Commands
Command Function
!addfriend NICKNAME TEAM (A or B) Adds the specified player to a gather.
!kick PLAYER Permamently kicks a player from a gather.
!addmap MAP Defines the server map.
!addtype TYPE Defines the game type.
!sendpass PLAYER Sends ip/password to a player.
!move PLAYER1 [PLAYER2] Moves player1 to the opposite team. If [player2] is speciefed it switches team between player1 and player2.
/msg #Private-Channel !queue Shows the queue list.
/msg #Private-Channel !setmenext Adds the admin to the queue list.
/msg #Private-Channel !delme Removes the admin from the queue list.
/msg #Private-Channel !timeleft Shows how much time left for the 1st player in queue list to startS a gather.
/msg GatherBot !login PASSWORD Authenticates someone as an admin.
/msg GatherBot !logout De-authenticates someone.
/msg GatherBot !newpassword PASSWORD Sets a new password.
/msg GatherBot !addgame IP:PORT PASSWORD Starts a gather.
/msg GatherBot !endgame Ends a gather.
/msg GatherBot !gameinfo OK/WRONG If the value is specified as 'OK' the gather starts, else if it's 'WRONG' it ends the gather.
/msg GatherBot !setinfo IP:PORT PASSWORD Sets a new server info during a gather.
/msg GatherBot !needsub IP:PORT PASSWORD Requests a substitution player for the server info given.
/msg GatherBot !cancelsub Cancels a substitution request. (Can only be used from the admin used !needsub)
/msg GatherBot !mygames Shows you how many games you have managed
/msg GatherBot !notice Sends a notification to the channels the bot is on about the gather.
.tax Starts the 'tactics' time.
.ready Starts the gather.
.stop Stops the gather.
.restart Restarts the half.
.pause Pauses/Unpauses the server, depends on the condition before the command use.
.kick PLAYER Kicks a player from the server.

Head-Admin Commands
Command Function
!newadmin NICKNAME Changes the admin of the current gather.
/msg #Private-Channel !qdel NICKNAME Removes an admin from the queue list.

Bot Managers Commands
Command Function
/msg GatherBot !addadmin NICKNAME PASSWORD RANK [STEAMID] Adds the specified nickname to the admin list.
/msg GatherBot !deladmin NICKNAME Removes the specified nickname from the admin list.
/msg GatherBot !changepass NICKNAME NEW-PASSWORD Changes Nickname's password.
/msg GatherBot !status NICKNAME Provides special information about an admin.
/msg GatherBot !logoutadmins Logs out all logged in staff.
/msg GatherBot !adminlist Lists all the admins.
/msg GatherBot !allgames Lists the admins who have done a gather and the amount.
/msg GatherBot !clearstats Resets the bot statistics (gathers, kills, deaths, skill points).
/msg GatherBot !restart Restarts the bot and its services.
/msg GatherBot !addsupport CHANNEL Adds the specified channel to the bot's auto-join list.
/msg GatherBot !delsupport CHANNEL Removes the specified channel from the bot's auto-join list.
/msg GatherBot !supportlist Displays the bot's auto-join list.


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